Sharing ideas for personal growth.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

What Is Your True Purpose In Live?

11:07 0
What Is Your True Purpose In Live?

Here is an interesting way to discover your true purpose in life. It is about the real reason why you exist and the meaning for you to be here. It will take around 20 minutes.

What you do is take a paper or open your text editor, write the following title on top: What is my true purpose in life? Start to write down anything that comes into your mind. Don’t stop. Just continue to write. You may write more than 100, 200 or more answers. But just don’t stop. Certain same answers may repeat from time to time and during the process you may start to feel annoyed because the answer can’t seems to converge. Just bear with it and continue to write. You will come to a point that your answer start to converge. You will start to notice the final answers arise because that few answers will keep on repeating more and more frequently. You will finally know those are the true answers as it makes true sense to you. It may take around 20 minutes or more. That’s fine.

It takes me around 20 minutes with 70+ answers to come to the following final answer:

Live to my Fullest Potential
Continue to Grow and Improve Everyday
Live and Work Together With Others Well
Live with Belief and Faith

If you interested to read the original article, please go to http://www.stevepavlina.com.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Your Thoughts and The Law of Attraction

20:11 0
 Your Thoughts and The Law of Attraction
We have all heard the expression, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." But to carry on without thinking about why you failed only leads to more failure.

The ability to create is a God given gift. A gift given to everyone without exception. Thought is the first step to manifesting any creation. Thoughts are energy, they are real. Your thoughts act as magnets and attract other thoughts, people, and circumstances that harmonize with them.

Thoughts operate and adhere to certain universal laws. Without  these laws there would be no order; the universe itself would sink into chaos.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Much of what was once considered metaphysical, esoteric knowledge in the past is now scientific fact. Physics has shown that the principles involved in the Law of Attraction are every  bit as valid as those governing the Law of Gravity. So it should come as no surprise that dwelling only on your problems simply attracts more problems.

The idea of attracting success by thinking about it is very appealing. So appealing in fact, people often get the wrong impression that it's easy. Affirmations can be helpful, but mindless affirmations alone have no real value. On the other hand, once an affirmation becomes part of your belief system the subconscious goes to work attracting opportunities. It is not the success itself we attract, but the opportunity to succeed.

Our world is ruled by cause and effect, yet we often fail to see how this rule applies to the thoughts we think. This happens because the results of our thoughts are so far removed from the cause that we fail to see the connection.

The subconscious mind is working tirelessly 24 hours a day. It doesn't analyze, it doesn't judge, it simply accepts and attracts more of what the conscious mind is focused on. Are you attracting problems or solutions? By focusing on desire and showing gratitude for what you already have, the subconscious mind is given the necessary material to provide a constant stream of opportunities. Whether we take advantage of these opportunities or not is another story.

It's impossible to operate outside the law of attraction. Consciously or unconsciously your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, determine if this law works for or against you. Stay focused on your success and reaching your goals. As one success leads to another, success becomes a habit. Problems and obstacles are seen as no more than stepping stones on the road to your ultimate goal.

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Donna Summer Dies at 63

19:53 0
Donna Summer Dies at 63

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011


16:50 0

As well as informatics use heuristic algorithms for the alternative solution of problems whose optimization is not feasible. In addition, this heuristic applied in the human field: physical health, feelings, existential problems, among others, can allow us find alternative ways to find favorable responses.
The Euristic is a technique of exploratory methods for the resolution of problems in which the possible solutions, they are discovering while you are on the search for a satisfactory result.
In the case of the human mind, if we have a conflict or sentimental a poor health, far from lament we should begin to see the full range of options that you have to resolve the problem.
In that search concentrated of alternatives, we must take into account that this technique can lead us to false results, real, positive or negative. Such is the case, if it takes a conclusion of type heuristic as a certainty, perhaps you mistake but do not confuse yourself or be discouraged simply because you chose poorly among the alternatives, you can go back and correct.
Keep in mind that if you don't use any conclusion heuristics, not learn anything, nor will there be progress and will be giving up the solution of the problem.
This technique of heuristics, it can be molded into your mind the taste of your creativity, in the process may have conclusions that do not seem to be logical but if they have meaning for you you can go with testing.

In summary what is good to apply the technique of the heuristic is that it allows you to have a proactive attitude beneficial in the search for solutions, everything contrary to stay static bemoaning and without doing anything to remedy that unhappiness.


lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011


12:31 1
In early 2008, I got some mails, such as a string that sometimes too lazy to read, I regret not reading it at the time, and it was information about a real and very cruel practice perpetrated by people a society that is supposed to be very civilized.
Stupidity and evil are very high points in parts of the world, in the case of the Faroe Islands (and Greenland), regions belonging to Denmark. In these places, their inhabitants have a habit, according to them need protein, to hunt dolphins, whales and other marine animals.
The Danish ritual hunting of whales is awful, whales are hunted down by the boats and so begins a bloody slaughter when it begins compulsively stupid people mercilessly stabbing the whales.
The images shown below do not require words, but I must say that this area of ​​the Faroe Islands, has enough natural resources to prevent cetaceans are their only source of protein and should limit their hunting. Moreover we must demand that the Danish government to once and for all end this "barbaric tradition" that all it does is to discredit Denmark as a civilized country.

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011


10:37 1
The "true love" in my opinion can not be separated by words such as fidelity or loyalty. "Love" that society instead touts a defense makes all the deceit, lies and disloyalty. The phrases that seek to justify the mediocrity of infidelity are something "we are all human," "we all make mistakes." It is not, of course, be judges, no one should be, each person must assume their responsibilities, but you can not promote the idea that instincts are stronger than the feelings because it is a brutality.

Surely these liberal ideas are promoted by people who like to be labeled as "open-minded" people who have the ability to reach a dense public from their positions in the media with their messages that they impose on others that viewer to think like them. Many people succumb to these subliminal messages of the media because people always want to be allies with modernity and then it is preferred to accept these concepts as they are not willing to be seen as outdated, many people have a tremendous fear of doing or saying something make them see how conservative or Cucufate. Because it is supposed to live in a society of openness, generosity, and even though there may be solid reasons to keep certain rules or principles, many prefer to be on the liberal side of the stream current as fast as obscure.

There are "destroyers of true love" are those who tend to think that the feeling of love can live with hatred, deceit and betrayal often translate it as soap operas, but in fact, argues that the absence of eternal love , anything goes and confuse the sexual instinct with the sublime charm of true love. For these people poor, with honorable exceptions, who for decades have been brainwashed people in different societies from their positions of specialists in sexology, psychology, other branches of science, everything bad is justifiable, given normally wrong approach to human relations based on their particular ways of thinking that often do not coincide with those of its users.

Many professionals say that sex is as important as the feelings, nothing more stupid than that. Sex, sexual pleasure, in my opinion is only important for procreation. Sex with love is sublime, but does not equal or by far the true love that does not require physical contact, because love in its essence is pure feeling, is incomparable and so is so scarce today.

I think in these lines I write today, I must vindicate the "true love", out of intense passions, and that this "true love" is what has allowed even at the present time the feelings persist. How beautiful! this pure love is manifested in its clearest expression and small gestures, a tender look, a kiss delicate, loving words in the distance, and so on. Much love throughout history, are proof that the feeling is over the distance. That's why I want to expose these criminals of science to justify infidelity when there is distance involved. If a person is not loyal to your partner, that person is away and assume that loves, basically because he feels it is not "true love", she or he may believe that if it is, but if it is cheating, it's because that love is said to feel, is not so, or was feeling very fragile.



10:24 2

Paramahansa Yogananda Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) was an Indian guru precursor of the teachings of meditation in the Western world. He introduced the yoga in the West mainly using a method called Kriya Yoga. Many of his teachings related to Eastern philosophy was clearly expressed in his famous Autobiography of a Yogi.

One of the phrases of Paramahansa Yogananda attracts me most is:

"Man sows a thought, reap an action. Sow an action, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny"

And it is this small and simple sentence has a great significance, is the human being, the architect of his destiny, based on the thoughts planted in your mind, is reaping what its fate will be

Paramahansa Yogananda, was undoubtedly a master of spirituality, thoughts that left us very positively influenced the lives of many people all over the world. Their messages were simple but very deep. His thinking reflects the depth of Hindu philosophy, the one that is worth learning to realize who we really are we, to live in harmony, independently and free from manipulation.