SPIRITUAL PROSPERITY: heuristic imagination

Sharing ideas for personal growth.

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta heuristic imagination. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta heuristic imagination. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011


16:50 0

As well as informatics use heuristic algorithms for the alternative solution of problems whose optimization is not feasible. In addition, this heuristic applied in the human field: physical health, feelings, existential problems, among others, can allow us find alternative ways to find favorable responses.
The Euristic is a technique of exploratory methods for the resolution of problems in which the possible solutions, they are discovering while you are on the search for a satisfactory result.
In the case of the human mind, if we have a conflict or sentimental a poor health, far from lament we should begin to see the full range of options that you have to resolve the problem.
In that search concentrated of alternatives, we must take into account that this technique can lead us to false results, real, positive or negative. Such is the case, if it takes a conclusion of type heuristic as a certainty, perhaps you mistake but do not confuse yourself or be discouraged simply because you chose poorly among the alternatives, you can go back and correct.
Keep in mind that if you don't use any conclusion heuristics, not learn anything, nor will there be progress and will be giving up the solution of the problem.
This technique of heuristics, it can be molded into your mind the taste of your creativity, in the process may have conclusions that do not seem to be logical but if they have meaning for you you can go with testing.

In summary what is good to apply the technique of the heuristic is that it allows you to have a proactive attitude beneficial in the search for solutions, everything contrary to stay static bemoaning and without doing anything to remedy that unhappiness.