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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta YOGA. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta YOGA. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2022

Benefits And Importance Of Bhujangasana

7:36 0
Benefits And Importance Of Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is known as the snake or cobras pose because it reflects the look of a raised hood. As you raise your head along with your chest it represents a snake hood. The rest of the body lies down representing the body of the snake. This asana can be one of the best asanas for your back as well as your spine. 

Inhaling and exhaling plays a very important part in this or any other asanas. Bending and stretching of your back may differ between individuals. As some has their youth to help whereas some manage even without that. It all depends on how flexible your body is and how much can you bend, to make the utmost use from your asana.

It has been said that, as long as your back is flexible you still have a long way to go. Every muscle of your body is pulled and stretched which gives the elasticity and suppleness to your backbone. With the passing of age our back starts throwing tantrums and becomes very stiff against our wishes. Before any such thing happens tone your body and other parts of your body by doing this asana. 

By stretching, it tones the spinal column which reflects your back and with the extra pull entire abdominal muscles get toned too. Torpid muscles like uterine muscles and ovaries get toned too while doing this asana. It is one of the best asana which serves as a medicine for wet-dreams and leucorrhoea. It also helps in developing your chest as well as firming the bust due to the raising hood position. 

This position helps in creating the necessary pressure to the adrenal glands which provides rich supply of blood for the entire body. Liver and other organs next to it also benefits from this asana. Problems of irregular menstrual cycles can be solved with this asana. The pressure applied on your stomach and muscles helps in relieving you from constipation problems. Acute gas troubles are also resolved if the asana is done on a regular basis. People suffering from slip disc problem gain due to the stretching of spinal column giving it a proper toning. Your backache problems may just leave you forever if you do this continuously.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2022

What Kind of Yoga is Best?

12:59 0
What Kind of Yoga is Best?


There are different forms of yoga. This type of exercise can leave you toned and supple or you may even be spiritually enlightened according to some teachers. 

Yoga is the latest thing. It has reshaped some of the greatest stars all the way from Madonna to Sting.

Some forms of yoga are more physical and some are highly spiritual. Yoga is extremely good for fatigue, depression, arthritis, aging, stress-related illness,
migraine, PMS, back pain and mobility problems.

You must first decide why you wish to start yoga and then go about choosing the appropriate form for you.

The principles of yoga are quite simple - relax, tune out everything and stretch and you will feel better.

If you are looking to get fit these types of yoga are for you:

" Hatha yoga "

This type of yoga is based on controlled stretching.
An emphasis is placed on developing a flexible spine.
This type of yoga is excellent for all levels of

" Vini yoga "

This type of yoga is gentle and safe and is very good
for older people. It is taught by a teacher called a
Desikachar and is usually taught on an individual

If you really want to get physical then you should
choose these types of yoga:

" Lyenger yoga "

This type of yoga focuses on correct postures. It
often makes use of ropes and blocks to maintain these

" Sivananda yoga "

This type of yoga is suitable for every age and covers
a wide range of poses which range from simple to
complex. " Ashtanga yoga " This type of yoga is known
as power yoga. It is very demanding and is only
suitable for those people who are very fit.

For those of you who want to get spiritual, then you
would want to choose from these types of yoga:

" Raja yoga "

This is often referred to as royal yoga. It is
concerned with the mind.

" Dru yoga "

This is group yoga which concentrates very heavily on
breath work.

" Jnana yoga "

This concentrates on the philosophical aspects of
yoga and is very spiritual and meditative.


jueves, 11 de febrero de 2021

Benefits of Yoga

10:58 0
Benefits of Yoga

Yoga through meditation works remarkably to accomplish harmony and helps the mind work in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us?

Stress is the number one suspect affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional system. And with the help of yoga this things can be corrected. At the physical level, yoga and yoga poses have proven to be extremely effective for various disorders. 

Listed below are just some of the benefits of yoga that you can get.

Benefits of Yoga 1: Yoga is known to amplify flexibility; yoga has postures that trigger the different joints of the body. Including those joints that are not acted upon with regular exercises routines.

Benefits of Yoga 2: Yoga also increases the lubrication of joints, ligament and tendons. The well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.
                It has also been found that the body which may have started doing yoga being a inflexible one may experience a quite remarkable flexibility in the end on those parts of the body which have not been consciously worked upon. 

Benefits of Yoga 3: Yoga also massages all organs of the body. Yoga is perhaps the only exercise that can work on through your internal organs in a thorough manner, including those that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. 

Benefits of Yoga 4: Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.
              One of the far-reaching benefits of yoga is the uncanny sense of awareness that it develops in the practitioner of an impending health disorder or infection.

Benefits of Yoga 5: yoga offers a total detoxification of the body. It gently stretches the muscles and joints as we as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body.

Benefits of Yoga 6: Yoga helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny of your body as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.

Benefits of Yoga 7: yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles. Muscles which have been flaccid and weak are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess fats and flaccidity.

But these enormous physical benefits are just a “side effect” of this powerful practice. What yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and these results in real quantum benefits. 

It is now an open secret that the will of the mind has enabled people to achieve extraordinary physical feats, which proves beyond doubt the mind and body connection. 

In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit which can lead to an experience of eternal bliss that you can only feel through yoga. The meditative practices through yoga help in achieving an emotional balance through detachment. 

This in turn creates a extraordinary calmness and a positive outlook, which also has tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body.

jueves, 2 de enero de 2020

7 Important Tips for Yoga Success

17:23 0
7 Important Tips for Yoga Success

Yoga has been proven to relieve stress by using exercises that unify the mind, body, and spirit. If you are new to yoga, these seven tips will start you on the road to a more centered life. 

1. Talk to your doctor and explain what type of yoga poses you intend to practice. Show your doctor pictures of the poses for illustration. Your doctor may rule out specific poses if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, a history of retinal detachment, or heart disease. Make sure you follow your doctor’s recommendations. 
2. Find a yoga class that best fits your abilities. Talk to prospective teachers, and decide whether of not you can handle a program before you sign up. It’s very important to take it one step at a time. Try a few beginner classes before you attempt more vigerous classes. Don’t move ahead too quickly. Allow your body to adjust to your exercises.

3. Listen to your body and be aware of your physical abilities. You don't want to hurt yourself. Make sure the instructor understands your level of experience and any limitations you may have. Don’t allow anyone to push you ahead too quickly. Remember, this is supposed to be fun and relaxing.

4. If you can’t find a class that meets your needs, you can always practice yoga at home. There are many books, programs, and tapes available to help you get started. Search for the best products on the Internet and read reviews. Talk to others for recommenations.

5. Why not try private lessons? You can book some one-on-one sessions with a teacher in your area. Most yoga instructors offer private classes or can help you design your own program. This is a good way to get started. You can always take group lessons or practice at home after you’ve had private lessons and learned the basics.

6. Find a yoga buddy. It’s nice to practice with someone and it will help reduce injuries. It’s also a great way to keep up your enthusiasm and interest.

7. Eat lightly before practice. Wait at least two hours after meals before yoga class or practice. An empty stomach is best, but don’t let yourself get too hungry to think. You won't be able to focus on the poses or enjoy yourself during the relaxation or meditation exercises.

Now it's time to grab your mat and a towel and get the most out of your yoga exercises.