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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta intelligence. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta intelligence. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 1 de enero de 2016

How Important is Intelligence For Success

12:30 0
How Important is Intelligence For Success

Although IQ tests measure a certain aspect of intelligence potential, there isn’t complete agreement that what is being measured is actually intelligence.

Standard intelligence tests focus a lot on exploring and measuring linguistic/logical/mathematical ability.  But is that really the same quality as intelligence?  Or is intelligence something broader than that?

We have all met people who have a lot of “book smarts” but seem to have no “life smarts.”  Should we really be saying that they are intelligent?  Some people who did poorly in school often turn out to be very successful in later life.  Why do our current IQ tests seem unable to predict or explain these outcomes?

A person may have failed dismally in school, and yet turn out to be a genius in marketing.  Is this person stupid, or brilliant?  If a man is a great scientist, but can’t ever pick a suitable mate, is he really very smart?

Was Picasso inept because he wasn’t also a brilliant mathematician?  Was Einstein inadequate because he wasn’t also a great artist?

Which of these two men had more intelligence?  Is there more than one kind of intelligence?  How should we define intelligence?  Can we really measure it?  What is intelligence, really?

Several experts in the field of intelligence have proposed that we need to broaden our understanding of what intelligence really is, and the role it plays in successful living.

Psychologist Howard Gardner of Harvard University has suggested that we should consider a wide range of talents and abilities as valid forms of intelligence.

In his intriguing book, “Frames of Mind: Theories of Multiple Intelligences”,  Gardner has proposed the existence of at least seven types of intelligence: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, social-interpersonal and intra-personal.

Another psychologist, Robert Sternberg, has suggested we consider three distinct forms of intelligence.  One type is the ability to think logically and rationally, doing well in an academic type of environment.

A second kind of intelligence identified by Sternberg is the ability to come up with creative solutions to real life situations.  And the third type, according to Sternberg, is the ability to psychologically understand people and interact effectively with them.

A very different perspective on the IQ issue is presented by Daniel Goleman in his best-selling book, “Emotional Intelligence”.   Goleman offers an explanation for why a high IQ does not always lead to success in career or in life.

He says that EQ, or emotional intelligence, has been an overlooked factor that is an extremely important ingredient for success in life.  An ability to get along with others, to be optimistic, to be determined, are among the many factors that contribute to success, perhaps even more than intellectual ability.

Are you starting to realize that intelligence is not just a question of one test score number that forever limits your possibilities?  If we define intelligence primarily as an aptitude for mathematical and linguistic/logical thinking, we may be missing other forms of intelligence that are also important.

If you happen to know your own IQ score, don’t think of it as something that limits or defines your potential.  If your IQ is in the average range it does not in any way mean you are limited to a life of average success and average accomplishment.  If your IQ is in the above average range, it does not guarantee you a life of ease.  You can’t use either a high IQ score or a low one as an excuse not to try very hard.

Your IQ score is only a number.  It does not define you.  It does not really limit you.  It’s just a starting point.  Remember that many other qualities you already possess or can develop are also important for success in life.

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Emotional Intelligence

11:28 0
Emotional Intelligence

The importance of emotional intelligence is related to learning to control our emotions. Achieving that emotional intelligence is what will allow us to really live a life of welfare, gaining more confidence.
Many people are deceived into thinking that high IQs, those which are determined by the test, or success in business gives us the label "confident", and that fact alone is enough to feel fulfilled. That is a false perception of things.
The surgeon can be more efficient, the best architect, the most honest lawyer, the outstanding player, the more enterprising merchant, but if you do not have in your life emotional intelligence will always be instability. The reason is very simple to explain but not easy to understand especially for those with a focused linear thinking in one direction in which they always are successful and others are wrong.
Many people who are successful in their careers and have problems in other aspects of their lives, are not able to handle them properly because their emotions overflow. It could put many examples of people who are brilliant in business and careers, but at the family or couple are totally unstable because they can not control their impulsivity, that is because of that person lacks the concept of the Emotional intelligence.
Many people who are successful in certain aspects of his life, are superb, and that pride makes them forget that in other areas they could also be the best.
The instability of these people because they do not have emotional intelligence and to achieve the first thing to do is to recognize in oneself one's own weaknesses and shortcomings, and to be harder speak of having to overcome that side "gross" and "stupid "that is in us.
From there, the analysis of these weaknesses, acknowledge them, you get something very valuable, acquire empathy. That is to understand what others feel, you begin to deflate the ego, and takes more care of the things said and the reactions that have, it's like all you mental prophylaxis free of egotism, of pride, pettiness and other mental conflicts that are affecting a part of our being. It's like a mental revolution, as you get used to monitor each of your thoughts to do the right thing not only for their own benefit but for the good of others. That is very important, because then our conscience is clear.
But of course, learning or acquiring Emotional Intelligence is a process that takes time, is a winding road with ups and downs, however, it is worth crossing because the control of our emotions is the key to our happiness.
And do not forget that this control involves perseverance in enacting positive thoughts in mind.
Finally I must say that acquiring empathy is the first step to develop such strong emotional intelligence, which is much more important in life, to achieve titles or achieve success at work, because control your emotions it gives genuine stability, to be emotionally intelligent is to have the right balance to properly assess successes and failures and to settle at the equilibrium point, exact point must always be the person who is calm, sane and happy.