Sharing ideas for personal growth.

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta attraction. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta attraction. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 1 de enero de 2019

Law of Attraction – How to Make it Very Easy

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Law of Attraction – How to Make it Very Easy

Every thing is easy after you learn the ins and outs of how it works.  There are those who think the law of attraction has no validity and there are those who believe that the law of attraction rocks.  Guess what!?  Both people are correct, because whatever one believes determines what that one will experience in his reality.

Despite the nay sayers there are secrets to the application of the law of attraction that can yield incredible results.  The results are so astonishing that it seems like magic and sorcery but it is none of those, yet all of those.  What is magic really?  If not the ability to do the impossible or what is thought of as impossible.

Open to Greater Possibilities and Realize Those in Your Reality
Well there are secrets that can make the power to manifest completely outstanding.  Imagine that you lived in a small town and you desired to go to the big city which is several miles way.  Tom your neighbor comes along and tells you to use his old bicycle.  You know that you can always walk which will take you several hours but the bicycle is a plus you happily accept.

After two miles you meet a stranger who tells you that he can surely take you along the route in his car which will get you there even faster.  Do you ditch the bike and take the car?  The secrets to manifesting are similar to this scenario.  It gets deeper and deeper and each lesson brings you more spiritual power.

Those who yearn to understand the deeper nature of applying the laws of attraction discover that while the car ride was great there is the airplane.  The journey gets faster and easier for those who dive deeper into the study of the laws of attraction.

Immersion is the key to Mastery
For every single topic including the law of attraction, there are those who truly master the topic by studying it quite deeply.  You could not master money matters by making a study of poverty, or origami would you?  To fully gain ease in manifesting with the laws of attraction you must make it a diligent study.  You may take two to three months of studying all that you can but that study is like a masters degree which will serve you for the rest of your life.

 Uncover the Layers
In all things there are layers.  On just about every single topic you will find that if you consulted with someone who has gained success he can take apart the topic into several categories.  Within each category there are layers that can be mastered in greater detail.  The law of attraction is no different.  Taking a little bit of time to understand the ways in which to apply each part will greatly benefit you in dramatically manifesting what you truly desire.  There are ways of contracting time and moving what you desire to you rapidly.  We truly live in a magical world.  How far down the rabbit whole are you willing to go?

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

How to Visualize the Things You Want

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How to Visualize the Things You Want

Visualization is by far one of the most powerful tools for good setting and attracting what you want.  Yet few people know how to properly visualize.  With the right technique you can begin to see outstanding results in successfully attracting what you want, granted you full apply what you learn.

First you are visualizing all the time.  You may not be aware of it but you are always conjuring up images in your mind.  When you are speaking on the telephone to someone you are most of ten times trying to see in your mind what they are telling you.  You also visualize when you are deep in thought.  When you are worrying about paying your debt or worrying about the way you would really like to live your life you are also visualizing what you want.

The hard part however is to use that creative force to actually attract the things you want.  This is where many people go terribly wrong.

Here is a great test to help you understand the most effective way visualize.  Think of the last time you were deep in thought.  Now try to remember what that felt like.  If you can recall that time, you will notice that you were deep inside of yourself.  You were unaware of anyone or anything and as you were allowing yourself to visualize you could feel clearly that you were having the experience as if it were real.  That is the power of visualization.

When people ask all the time How do I visualize the things I want, I tell them the same way you visualize the things that you don’t want.  You see when you are feeling anxious and fearful you lock yourself away in your inner mind with those images.  You loose sight of other possibilities and if it is something that happened to you, then you recreate it in its full detail with all your emotions all over again.

Try to immerse yourself with full emotions when you are trying to create the things you want.  Many thoughts may come to distract you but if you will redirect your mind to what you do want your mind will be trained to hold that thought.

There are many tools and techniques that can greatly empower your ability to visualize if you really have a hard time.  You can add extreme magnetism to any mental image you want to create as long as you apply the right technique.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

The Secret to Getting What You Want

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The Secret to Getting What You Want

Althought many people are aware of the law of attraction after seeing the secret few people really get it.  The law of attraction is both easy and hard all at once.  Why do some people get it while others fail to see any results?

Some people have what some call think skin.  They have an ability to go inside of themselves and ignore the outer creation.  No matter what others are saying to them or no matter what is going on around them, they have the power to go inside and trust what is inside of themselves more.

Some may call them dreamers; others may say that they are introverts but that nature is the power it takes to apply the secret.

Be in the world but not of the world.

Reality is a reflection of your inner world, that is the true secret.  To be able to manifest what you deeply want in life you must have total faith of your inner world.  You must become aware of the images that fly by as you go about your day.  The law of attraction never takes a break it is always giving to you what you are dreaming up.

As you become aware of your inner dream you can begin to control it and mold it to what you would like.  The outside world should never influence your inner world.  Because you do not have the full understanding of how the law of attraction works or the nature of your thoughts you continue to create again and again the old conditions.

Someone’s disappointment in life should never influence your actions.  You create your reality the moment you become aware of your own ability to dream it into existence regardless of what anyone says is possible or impossible.

The secret law of attraction works but in order to use it successfully you must become aware of your own dream.

You are Magic

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You are Magic

“Magic (ma-jic): an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source”. The attempt to define magic is difficult at best. It is used more as a word to define, than one that can be defined. The same can be said for who you are. We attempt to define ourselves, yet no adequate words exist to describe the complexity of who we are. We can describe what we look like, the type of work we do, our ethnic heritage or gender. Yet, that comes nowhere near the truth of what animates your being. You are a mystery. You are magic.

Historians, philosophers, scientist and theologians have been searching for the origins and meaning of existence since the beginning of time. Various religions have been born out of an attempt to define the indefinable. We often engage in the endless pursuit to define who, what and why we are. We measure ourselves against others and their accomplishments. We are deluged each day with media images of what is acceptable or unacceptable. There is an ongoing quest to explain the unexplainable. You are who you are and that is ever changing. You are deliciously indescribable. Each moment you are remade. Every morning when you open your eyes, you begin a new journey. The choices and decisions that you make color and change “who” you are. You are an indefinable, magical being. Have you forgotten this? Have you allowed the world to take away your magic? Each time you have a thought or task and give it life- you are creating! From preparing a meal for your family or painting a picture. Everything you do adds a different dimension to who “you” are. Life is a mystery and by accepting this fact you become one with it and more able to maneuver though it.

Think back and remember the last time you were really “in tune” with something you wanted to accomplish. Remember how easy and enjoyable it was to put together all the pieces of the puzzle to create the final outcome? You were not anxious or the least bit concerned about what other people were thinking or doing. You were one with the energy of your creation. That same dynamic is possible in all aspects of your life. By becoming one with the magical energy of who you are, you create. You can also create your own limitations by putting up walls of fear and inadequacy. Embrace your power; consider what you create each and everyday. If you can put together the ingredients to make an apple pie, you can use the same recipe to create anything else you desire. Create a recipe that works for you. Be in harmony with the energy of what you want to bring into your life.  If you have made several attempts with no apparent success- try another way. Add or remove something from the recipe. Be in tune with the Universal force of magic.

Where is your energy at this moment? Are you focusing on life affirming activities or caught up with what someone else is doing or not doing? Is your energy directed on how to get someone else to change or do what you want him or her to do? What is the topic of most of your conversations? Think about the last conversation you had- were you sharing hopes, dreams and ideas or were you complaining about how things are not going the way you want them to? A large percentage of our words, thoughts and energy are given to what is going on around us. By understanding that you are a powerful, magical being- you regain the power that is wasted on things you cannot control. You cannot control another person’s emotions or actions. If someone is in your life and they are causing you distress- it is because of your choice to remain part of their life. If you are not happy with the situation you are in, it is your choice. You are not your past. You are not what someone did to you or what was taken from you. The events and people in your life have served to shape “who” you are at this moment. The events of today, will further hone who you are tomorrow- and so on…

To become a truly empowered being, you have to reach down into the magical place inside of you and utilize your own power. It is not important as to what your spiritual or theological beliefs are. What is important is that you understand the fact that you are a creator. What do you want to create? Peace, harmony and joy or chaos and drama? Are you always feeling angry and frustrated? Being angry or frustrated is only beneficial if it serves to steer you another direction. Conflict can be an incredible catalyst for change if you use the energy to move. Choose to take a different path or look at things from a different perspective. It does not matter how you do it, the important thing is that you get into a place that you want to be.

You are who you are and that is “magical”. Do not allow anything to diminish and cage your personal power. Allowing your inner self to grow and blossom is a process. Magic happens when you leap into mystery and become that which you desire to be. Like attracts like- to manifest magic, you must be magic. Just as you cannot adequately define the mystery of life, do not attempt to define “you”. Embrace the undiscovered parts of who you are. Set out on a course to reveal the mystery that dwells within you. If you must define yourself, you are magic.

Paula Picard is a Professional Psychic and Spiritual teacher who utilizes her intuition and 20 years of experience to assist you in co-creating the life you want. Paula believes that within you is the power to manifest your desires. To learn more about Paula Picard and her Powerful work www.paulapicard.com or you can contact her at pmpicard@charter.net

Paula Picard 314.308.2053

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Introduction to Manifestation

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Introduction to Manifestation

Have you ever thought who you are? Are you the body you see every day in a mirror? Of course you are not. Your body is constantly changing. It is different now than ten or twenty years ago. According to some scientists cells in our bodies are constantly replaced by the new ones. Although the scientists differ in their opinions, most of them agree that every seven years we have a completely new body. Not even one cell is the same.

Anyway, most people intuitionally feel that they are not their bodies. When someone dies they say he has left. So, what has left? The body it’s still there.

Are you your mind? You can observe your own mind. You can notice what you are thinking about now. Maybe you are reading this article now, but you are thinking about something else? Doesn’t it happen often? You can observe how your mind works, so you are not your mind.

But most of the time we don’t observe it. It’s just the opposite, our minds constantly play different films in front of us, and it is not easy to stop them doing it.

Have you ever tried to control your mind? Try for five minutes to concentrate on something. Let’s say visualize a yellow triangle. Do not think about anything else. Just concentrate on the yellow triangle. Can you do it? Notice how many times you have thought about something else than the yellow triangle. It’s very difficult to control a mind. Usually our minds control us.

What do you mostly think about every day? If you are like most people you think about your past or your future.

Our past reminiscences can be happy or sad, but past is the past. It’s gone. Future is unknown, but we are creating our future now. Whatever we are thinking about now will manifest in the future. So if we think about our problems, lack of money, difficult situations, our future will be like this. If we think how make ends meet, it will happen. We will just make ends meet.

What if you started to live now? What if you stopped thinking about your past and stopped worrying about your future. You could think now that your life is happy. You could think that NOW you and your family have everything that you want and desire. Try it. Try to really visualize your perfect life. Don’t think about future. Think that it’s now and be grateful for it. If your visualization is good, you will feel happy and excited. You will feel good, but most important is that you have just started making it really happen in the future.

Of course, you need to train your mind to do it every day. You need to learn the science of manifestation and practice. Great things don’t come easily. That’s why so many people don’t live the lives of their dreams. They don’t control their lives. They live their lives automatically. But you can change it. You can be happy, healthy and wealthy. You just need to make some effort.

Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

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Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

Gratitude or appreciation of what we already have is necessary to attract things we want. Every day when you wake up try to be thankful. Think about the good things in your live you should be thankful for. Appreciate your job (even if you don’t like it).

Feel gratitude for a place to live. If you have some food, some friends or anything else you can find to appreciate, appreciate it. A lot of people don’t have enough even basic things like food, water and their own place to live. It’s natural that you want more, that you want to improve your standard of life, but first you need to feel gratitude for what you already have.

If you start your day with feelings of gratitude you will feel good and you can keep that feeling all day.

But you should also write down something like this: “I am so happy and grateful that…” and then write what you would like to have. For example: “I am very happy and grateful that I make $1 million per year; that I have wonderful and loving wife…etc.” Use the present tense, visualize the things you want, be grateful for them, and think about them as already yours. When you achieve them, you can add new things to your list. When you write about money, start first with amount you believe is possible and then increase the amount when you got the amount you’d written down. Be specific.

When you start doing as described above, at first you might feel strange that you are using present tense for the things you want to have in the future, but it’s important to train your mind and force your mind to think about them in present tense. After some time of playing such “mental ping pong” your mind will obey and will help you to achieve the things you want.

sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Law of Attraction – When it Does Not Work

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Law of Attraction – When it Does Not Work

Are you applying the law of attraction correctly?  If you are like most people you are mostly likely quite frustrated.  You want to manifest changes faster.  You want to manifest money faster.  You want to manifest new friends but for all your hard efforts something seems to me missing.

You may be think, “If I can have do or be anything I want, then why can’t I see the results?”  This is a common frustration with most people who are new to the law of attraction.

The pain of failing again and again at applying the law of attraction can cause anyone to give up.  Many years ago when I learned of the law of attraction I went through the very same frustration until I learned what is at the heart of the secret to manifesting greater results.

The secret to manifesting anything you want using the law of attraction is the energy behind your intention and your thoughts.  Energy is abundant in the universe.  You are constantly being influenced by various qualities of energy all the time.

There is a particular quality of energy of your thoughts.  There is also a particular quality of energy in your environment.  Every degree of energy affects your ability to manifest differently.

Although most people who learn of the law of attraction think exclusively of their thoughts, they are unaware of the tenor of energy within their though forms.

The more sensitive you become to the tenor of energy within you, as well as your environment the easier it become to align yourself with the energy of what you want to manifest in your life.

If the energy within you is out of alignment with where you want to be then you simply cannot manifest what you truly desire.

The law of attraction is an art that must be understood at its very core.  Learn to become still and ask yourself, “How am I feeling at this moment?”  Although you may be thinking of what you want you may be feeling very much out of alignment with what you truly desire to manifest.

As you become aware of the tone of your personal energy you can slowly learn to increase your energy to become a magnet for what you when.  When you do the law of attraction becomes an incredible tool to manifest what you truly desire.