Sharing ideas for personal growth.

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta self help. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta self help. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Depression Self Help

16:12 0
Depression Self Help

One of the problems that affect us humans is a state of mind referred to as depression.

Exactly what is depression?

Why do we suddenly find ourselves stuck in a sea of inertia, unable to think positively, unable to hold on to positive thoughts, frozen in a zombie like state of inactivity?

Even experts disagree on the core causes of depression and the methods of treatment. Should they be palliative or something more uncompromising?

This is of course no help to us if we are immersed in the thickening fog of a bout of depression.

If we ever find ourselves in a state of depression we must find and build from within the strength, the motivation, the wish and the will to conquer this debilitating mind set.

First of all we have to accept that we alone allowed ourselves to drift into this parlous way of thinking.

The trigger could have been any one of a million reasons and may well have been an external event over which we had no control, however the antidote  has to be found within us and is under our control.

The first thing we need to understand is that we are not alone.

Read the newspapers and watch TV and over and over again there are accounts of people we would probably regard as ’having everything’ checking themselves into this or that clinic for help with some problem or other.

What for one person may be simply a mild set back can for another become the trigger which then sets off the internal self defeating process of the ‘poor me’ syndrome.

Why is it that a situation which is a mild irritation for one person can lead another to almost suicidal tendencies?

The answer is because we are all different in some way.

A visit to one of the many web sites offering behavioural profiling services will help you to identify your personal style as a first step to better understanding yourself

Once you understand why you react the way you do to certain situations you may then set about arranging your life so as to avoid those situations in the future or at least be better prepared to handle them when they do confront you.

Understanding yourself and why you react the way you do to situations with which you are faced is a prime initial requisite for self help with depression.

Learning, understanding and accepting that we can control what we allow to be accepted as fact by our brain is the next step. So often an initial perception turns out to be inaccurate.  Generally speaking nothing is ever so bad or, as good as it may at first appear.

What is important is to understand that it is possible for us to move to a position where we take preventative steps to ensure that we stay clear of infectious negative thoughts in the future.

Negative thoughts are the seed pearls of depression. These negative thoughts and internal video recordings of past failure and disappointment clog up our brain. They lay there dormant just waiting for the right set of circumstances to explode into action and cloud our thinking.

The late Dr. Hall, a clinical psychologist of international renown devoted his life to helping people understand who they were and then encouraging them to take the necessary steps to become who they really wanted to be.

Doctor George Hall discovered that it is possible to install a brain filter which stops negatives from being accepted by the brain. Just as we may install a virus checker or a firewall on our PC or Lap top we can install the same preventative systems in our brain.

Dr. Hall developed a personal development course called ‘Human Cybernetics’ it was a blueprint to follow for those who really did want to self improve and fully develop their potential in life.

I was privileged to be a student of Dr. Hall in 1975 and the tutorials he led were life changing for those of us fortunate enough to be exposed to his teachings.

Dangerous self talk and replaying internal tapes of past failures and disappointments he always propounded to be the most debilitating of activities a human being could engage in as this activity served only to reinforce a negative self image.

Negative self talk must immediately be replaced by constructive self talk and optimistic visual imaginings. Those negative tapes and videos in the mind must be deleted and recorded over with new images of success and achievement.

There are many self help courses available today. Try running a search on personal development or something similar and you will find many, many sites offering help and assistance much of which is free of charge.

There are also sites offering self-awareness questionnaires which are designed to help you focus on any deep seated negatives which may be holding you back from achieving your life dreams.

This may then be used by you as a platform from which to launch your new beginnings.

Self help for depression is all about taking that first step to control your future thoughts and activity.

Decide today to take charge of your life and to live it as you want to and not as others would have you live it.

Whatever you do, do it for you!

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Hypnotherapy For Motivation – Getting The Drive Back!

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Hypnotherapy For Motivation – Getting The Drive Back!

Motivation is the key to positivity in our lives. If we were not motivated enough, we would just not have the will in us to go about our daily lives. Its motivation that helps us get through the most mundane things – motivation for working harder, motivation to have a healthy relationship, motivation to earn more, motivation to have a happy family. And yet sometimes we find ourselves lacking in motivation; I think we have all had days when getting out of bed to get ready to go to work seemed like a Herculean task. Sometimes lack of motivation can really bring people down, and hinder their efficiency and ability. This may lead to frustrations and further breakdown of communication between people. However, if you intercept this lack of motivation timely, you have help at hand. Go for hypnotherapy for motivation to get the zest in life back.

Hypnotherapy is intrinsically related to the concept of motivation, and can help you in every walk of life. From motivation in sports, to business; from quitting smoking to losing weight, hypnotherapy for motivation could help you out. But here’s the catch: you can think of successfully motivating yourself only once you have your goals identified. Identification of a goal is very necessary before you start motivating yourself. Motivation is all about helping you realize your true potential, sometimes this potential gets thwarted by certain experiences in our lives. Hypnotherapy for motivation works towards removing those mental blockages by connecting with your subconscious.

Hypnotherapy is based on the formula of auto suggestion, and it works on deeper levels than one can imagine. Hypnotherapy for motivation converses with your subconscious mind, and urges it to alter self-perception and self – image. Unknown to us, our subconscious is largely responsible for the way we think and react; if we train it to think on a different line, no doubt the accompanying behavior would change too. It understands the true potential that lies within us, and taps into it. Through gentle affirmations such as “I can do it”, it retrains your mind into believing that nothing is impossible.

In my practice at Oxfordshire, I have helped clients deal with a variety of issues through hypnotherapy for motivation. Some wanted to perform better at work, while others needed motivation to keep a relationship going. Some wanted to perform better at sports, while others at studies. The underlying theory of hypnotherapy is based on motivation, and we need it in every walk of life. However, we need to have our goals clear in our minds for the hypnotherapy to be successful. Hypnotherapy for motivation lets you focus on the particular task at hand, however if the task is undefined, hypnotherapy will be rendered ineffective.

Hypnotherapy for motivation can seem to be too simple a solution for these problems; however you will be surprised at their effectiveness. Once you started this journey of self discovery, you will see the changes in a short time. Through altering self-perception and self-image, hypnotherapy gives you a whole new view of the world. From being a procrastinating person, you can go on to become a self starter. So define your goals now, and dive into the vast sea of your subconscious mind through hypnotherapy. The pearls you will find there will take care of every situation and possibility in life. Happy Self Discovery!

Law of Life

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Law of Life

The Law – Everything is energy.  Choose to believe this law. You must accept it.

Your thoughts, your feelings, what you focus on are all energy.  Do you understand that you have created the person you have become and created the quality of life you have.

Take a good look at what you have created.  You, and only you, are responsible for your present level of success in life.

Right now, reflect on ways to make a positive difference in the quality of your life.  

First, choose the area of life you want to focus. It can be your relationship, your career, your health; your finances just to mention a few.  The most important thing to remember is to focus on just one area to start.

As you conquer the first obstacle, then go to the next.  Keep moving forward until your goals are reached.

Know your purpose.  Increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence.  Breathe deeply to quiet your distracted mind.  Identify your life purpose and stop wandering through life with little or no direction.

You must stop and smell the roses.  Try this experiment and take note of reactions of different types of people.
1. Go to your local park
2. Find a bed of flowers or some magnificent location.
3. Carefully watch people passing this location.

Some will stop and enjoy the flowers.  They will take time to smell and touch and enjoy them.  Some will walk by and offer no more than a quick glance.  Others will pass by and never see them at all.  If you stop them and ask, they will reply “what flowers?”

Meditation is like stopping and smelling the flowers.  It is an intensely personal and spiritual experience.  There are many forms of meditation however they all use concentration techniques that helps us become aware of all of our inner thoughts.

Meditation is the key to finding your secret force that can overcome these obstacles and change your way of life.
You must first take action to face your current fears, honor your strengths and live from the inside out.

Live your life on purpose, not by accident.

The Past – It’s gone and should be no more than a fading memory.
The Future – It has not happened yet.  Things you do today are likely to impact your future.

Don’t compare your present situation to anything else.  Accept it for what it is and make the best of it or decide to Take Action now if it is not the present that you are happy with.

The time is here to decide that there is no such thing as failure.  It is time to take the opportunity to learn from the experience and move forward.  Learn from your mistakes and grow wiser and stronger and you will grow to accomplish more.

Are you stuck in a rut and unsure how to make changes in your life?
Do you need some support in helping motivate you to move forward in achieving the life you deserve?

It’s your life.  Don’t complain if you are not willing to Take Action.
With clear goals and constructive support, you will be surprised how fast progress will be made.

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

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Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

Gratitude or appreciation of what we already have is necessary to attract things we want. Every day when you wake up try to be thankful. Think about the good things in your live you should be thankful for. Appreciate your job (even if you don’t like it).

Feel gratitude for a place to live. If you have some food, some friends or anything else you can find to appreciate, appreciate it. A lot of people don’t have enough even basic things like food, water and their own place to live. It’s natural that you want more, that you want to improve your standard of life, but first you need to feel gratitude for what you already have.

If you start your day with feelings of gratitude you will feel good and you can keep that feeling all day.

But you should also write down something like this: “I am so happy and grateful that…” and then write what you would like to have. For example: “I am very happy and grateful that I make $1 million per year; that I have wonderful and loving wife…etc.” Use the present tense, visualize the things you want, be grateful for them, and think about them as already yours. When you achieve them, you can add new things to your list. When you write about money, start first with amount you believe is possible and then increase the amount when you got the amount you’d written down. Be specific.

When you start doing as described above, at first you might feel strange that you are using present tense for the things you want to have in the future, but it’s important to train your mind and force your mind to think about them in present tense. After some time of playing such “mental ping pong” your mind will obey and will help you to achieve the things you want.