Sharing ideas for personal growth.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

How To Manifest Miracles

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How To Manifest Miracles

The Universe is nothing but a big bowl of energy. Energy that attracts and repels. That is how dreams are either manifested or avoided. To better illustrate this concept, imagine carrying a walkie-talkie.

Al though two people can be miles and miles apart, they can still talk to each other. How can that be, since there is no connection between one another? The illusion is that they are separated, however, the truth is, they are still connected invisibly by a stream of energy.

Depending on the strength of the frequency, the louder and clear they can communicate with one another. That is assuming that both are communicating on the same channel. Life operates the same way. When we have a desire, we are sending a frequency to the universe, and the universe response to us immediately.

Most people would argue that their requests are not being granted. The truth is, that each request is always granted, what they don't seem to understand is that their request is either not clear, or that they may be operating on a different channel, or frequency. You may ask, how could that be? Simple.

On a conscious level we send our request. On a unconscious level we decide which channel we are communicating on. For example, "more money" might be set on channel 3. So consciously people would be broadcasting, "I desire more money." The challenge is, they are broadcasting it on channel 5.

That being the case, what governs the channels unconsciously? Our beliefs. The universe is always giving you that which you "believe" you deserve, not that which you desire. When what you desire and what you believe are the same, the universe will manifested it immediately? Why, because all you need to do is ask, and you shall receive.

So how do we change our channels unconsciously so that it will match our request? The same way we created them. We created our beliefs by using life experiences that we attached a meaning to. For example, we asked someone to dance and the person said no. The truth, is, there are many reasons why that person said no. It could be that she/he had a partner, or that she/he was shy. Who knows, she/he may really wanted to dance with you but was embarrassed. Notice that the reasons had nothing to do with you. However, most people take things personally or just add their own story.

In this case, since the person might have felt rejected, he/she might have thought that there was something wrong with him/her. And since the feeling was not pleasant, the person uses that as a reference point which stops him/her for asking someone else to dance.

So later on, he/she wants a loving relationship which can be broadcast on channel 7, however, his/her beliefs operates on channel 2 which avoids relationships for fear of being hurt.

So to change that belief the person would need to change the channel to let's say 4 which might be, "giving a chance to just meet someone." Once they see how the universe brings someone into their space, use that as reference for future request. That way a new belief is being cultivated so in the future, that person is operating on a frequency that is more consistent with the frequency he/she is broadcasting consciously.

That is why the rich gets richer because once they have attuned themselves to the frequency of abundance, they simple keep attracting more of that abundance which solidify their belief. It becomes a never ending cycle.

Understanding the law of attraction

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Understanding the law of attraction

Have you ever had the experience of a stranger coming out of the blue and having a piece of information that you needed? Have you ever been steered away from making a mistake by a friend or stranger in the right place at the right time? Can you recall what this felt like?

Have you ever sensed your role in another person's manifestation of an experience? You perhaps gave them something, or did something that felt right for you and for them was an uncanny coincidence. Have you ever found yourself in the right place to provide something important for another person? Perhaps you felt compelled to talk to a stranger and you had the piece of information they were looking for?

I call this interplay between individuals 'Dancing.' We dance with others during every day of our lives. When we are open and willing, we participate and assist in the manifestation of their experience and others do the same for us. Some of these experiences are positive, and we feel like we are in the very flow of life. Other experiences are more challenging, or even negative, and can leave us questioning how we came to attract such a negative or painful experience into our lives.

Law of Attraction and Relationships:

As a therapist, coach and individual, I have come to understand the Law of Attraction as an extremely powerful force which effects our lives, whether or not we are aware of how it is working at any one time. Simply put, what we give our focus, emotion, and attention, we attract into our lives. Moving towards deliberate attraction requires an awareness of our intention, attention and emotional state. In a sense, we move from subconsciously creating events in our lives to consciously and deliberately affecting our experience.

When talking about the law of attraction in relationships, several questions come up. These include: Can we attract a specific person into our lives? Am I responsible - did I attract - this abuse from my colleague, partner, friend, or family member? How can I attract the relationship I want?

One of the issues these questions have in common is a search for where our responsibility ends and another person's begins.

Matching (Picking our Partners)

Everyone that you attract into our lives and engage with, are a match to something that you are vibrating at either a conscious or subconscious level.

If we want to know what you are vibrating, look at who you are attracting. It is a perfect match!

There are different kinds of matches to our vibrations. The most obvious is when we get a similar match.

Ideally, we want to feel empowered, optimistic and joyful and attract other empowered and optimistic people to us in all aspects of our life. When this happens, there is a sharing and connection that feels wonderful. It is a perfect match!

When feeling down, (low vibration), you may attract a friend who calls to complain about all the things they are down about. In this case, our low vibration is attracting someone of similar vibration. We will often engage with the person and stay at that low vibration or perhaps collectively go lower. How does this feel?

Other Matches

Have you ever had a friend or client stuck in a 'victim vibration' who seemed to attract abusive partners in their romantic or business relationships? Their vibration as a victim can be a match to a potential abuser. A second match to the 'victim vibration' is the rescuer. Rescuers, victims and abusers create what we know as the 'victim' or 'drama' triangle. These three roles vibrate matches to each other and individuals often get stuck moving from point to point in the triangle. In one relationship they may be the victim. IN the next, they mat be the rescuer or the abuser.

For example, many of the youth I have worked with in custody fall into this trap. They are often violent to 'rescue' a friend or to avenge a wrong. When caught, they feel victimized by police. When sentenced to custody, they feel like a victim of the justice system. They talk about getting even (offender role), blaming others for their situation (victim role) and wanting to stay with their boy or girl friend to keep them from getting into trouble (rescuer role). They continue to attract the same three matches into their lives and custody becomes a revolving door.

There are other less obvious variations of this triangle. Chronically sick individuals, very desperate or needy people, often vibrate matches for people who try to help them or use them in some way.



Most children and many adults live their lives unconscious of the law of attraction and the many other forces at work in creating their experience. Such people are unaware of the effect of their attention, focus and emotions. Their energy may be scattered rather than focussed and their emotions may be mixed and reactive. Such people are 'vulnerable' and can become unconscious participants in the more focussed and deliberate manifestation of others.

We know that most offenders pick their victims. This is a fact. They unconsciously or consciously match vulnerable children, adults, (banks etc.) at an intuitive level. Younger children, the elderly, or adults with disabilities are often chosen for this reason. Children, and some adults are then vulnerable to become part of a more deliberate plan and action by someone with greater intention, emotion and focus.

In addition, there are individuals who use these same laws of attraction to manifest power for themselves, or harm to others. They believe they are right, entitled, or are unconsciously driven to such experiences. In some cases their focus is collective and extremely powerful. Terrorists and other fear-based organizations are examples of this dynamic.

Free Choice

I once had a very amazing conversation with a Native teacher about the three concepts of destiny, potential, and free choice. To the best of my recollection, this is how he defined these concepts.

Destiny: Is an opportunity to fulfill a life's purpose. It is a predetermined circumstance that will manifest at some point in life. Some Native groups believe that we are born with predestined challenges that were agreed upon by our ancestors before our birth. Other Native groups believe that there are 'deals' made with other souls before birth to be part of their enlightenment challenge here on earth.

Potential: When we are challenged, the experience has the potential to be a powerful healing or destructive force. If we rise to the challenge and act out of integrity and grace, we heal both present and past issues related to the event. If we fail the challenge, we hurt ourselves and others involved.

Free Choice: We all have free choice. This is why we cannot attract a person to us who does not want to engage with us. We choose whom we engage with and we choose our actions.

We attract matches into our lives. It is our choice to engage with them or not. We are responsible for our actions. They are responsible for what they choose to do.

As we become more aware, we can also consider matches and experiences as powerful information and feedback as to what we are vibrating. We can also choose to engage or not engage, stay or leave. We can also choose to use this information to move ourselves to a different level of vibration.

Implications for Law Of Attraction Practitioners

Working with Others

Many of my coaching and counseling clients have been engaged in some form of the drama triangle (above). I have found the Law of Attraction tools to be very helpful in teaching an awareness of their emotions and how they are affecting their experience. They can learn that when they are in a 'poor me,' or 'victim' vibration, they are going to attract matches and choose to engage or not. They also learn the importance of changing their vibration and witnessing a change in the people they attract. By choosing a different vibration, they become empowered and even begin to heal!

Implications for Practitioners and Coaches

For law of attraction practitioners and coaches, we put out the intention of assisting others and attract such experiences to ourselves in the form of clients. We offer ourselves as 'helpers' for individuals who are choosing to manifest events in their lives. This experience is often very intuitive and joyful. We feel like we are in the flow of life.

Have you also experienced this intention bubbling over to experiences outside of you practice as well?

At times, we will attract people who will want to elevate us to heroes and rescuers. They will say things like "no-one understands me but you." "Without you I would be lost…." They want direct advice - for you to make the decisions. This however, does not empower, it keeps them in their comfortable 'victim' role. Counselors and coaches may become seduced into the role of rescuer and join the client in the drama triangle. How might this impact our lives outside of the office?

In Closing

As law of attraction practitioners and coaches, we can share powerful information and tools to empower others to make their own decisions and assume a new kind of responsibility in their relationships. We can empower others to dance with grace and integrity towards joyful and fulfilling relationships!

The Secret

16:11 0
The Secret

For many, "The Secret" hasn't been a secret for centuries. It's been going by different names. Every
other generation feels the need to rename it. To make it their's. But changing the name doesn't change the idea.

The concept of "positive thinking" was the last topic and the "Law of Attraction" is the newest. But the focus is still the same. What you think will happen,will happen. Your thoughts will manifest themselves into your reality. The words change, but not the meaning.

Focusing on negative things will cause these negative things to become reality. If your life and mind are filled with anger, hate and dissatisfaction, you will find yourself surrounded by those very same things.

Learning to focus your thoughts on positive things,love, happiness and contentment will have the desired results and your life will be filled with these positive things.

Just wishing for the good things in life will not make them magically appear right before your eyes. It's a learning process in which you teach yourself to change the way you think.

The average human mind tends to focus on the negative. Worrying about fears, whether real or imagined, consumes much of our thought process. It's part of our survival instinct. Often this takes place on an unconscious level, and we don't even notice these

The Law of Attraction is the way to change your thinking process. Regardless of it's name, the result
is the same: Improving your daily life through your thoughts.

The Secret to Getting What You Want

14:26 0
The Secret to Getting What You Want

Althought many people are aware of the law of attraction after seeing the secret few people really get it.  The law of attraction is both easy and hard all at once.  Why do some people get it while others fail to see any results?

Some people have what some call think skin.  They have an ability to go inside of themselves and ignore the outer creation.  No matter what others are saying to them or no matter what is going on around them, they have the power to go inside and trust what is inside of themselves more.

Some may call them dreamers; others may say that they are introverts but that nature is the power it takes to apply the secret.

Be in the world but not of the world.

Reality is a reflection of your inner world, that is the true secret.  To be able to manifest what you deeply want in life you must have total faith of your inner world.  You must become aware of the images that fly by as you go about your day.  The law of attraction never takes a break it is always giving to you what you are dreaming up.

As you become aware of your inner dream you can begin to control it and mold it to what you would like.  The outside world should never influence your inner world.  Because you do not have the full understanding of how the law of attraction works or the nature of your thoughts you continue to create again and again the old conditions.

Someone’s disappointment in life should never influence your actions.  You create your reality the moment you become aware of your own ability to dream it into existence regardless of what anyone says is possible or impossible.

The secret law of attraction works but in order to use it successfully you must become aware of your own dream.

You are Magic

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You are Magic

“Magic (ma-jic): an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source”. The attempt to define magic is difficult at best. It is used more as a word to define, than one that can be defined. The same can be said for who you are. We attempt to define ourselves, yet no adequate words exist to describe the complexity of who we are. We can describe what we look like, the type of work we do, our ethnic heritage or gender. Yet, that comes nowhere near the truth of what animates your being. You are a mystery. You are magic.

Historians, philosophers, scientist and theologians have been searching for the origins and meaning of existence since the beginning of time. Various religions have been born out of an attempt to define the indefinable. We often engage in the endless pursuit to define who, what and why we are. We measure ourselves against others and their accomplishments. We are deluged each day with media images of what is acceptable or unacceptable. There is an ongoing quest to explain the unexplainable. You are who you are and that is ever changing. You are deliciously indescribable. Each moment you are remade. Every morning when you open your eyes, you begin a new journey. The choices and decisions that you make color and change “who” you are. You are an indefinable, magical being. Have you forgotten this? Have you allowed the world to take away your magic? Each time you have a thought or task and give it life- you are creating! From preparing a meal for your family or painting a picture. Everything you do adds a different dimension to who “you” are. Life is a mystery and by accepting this fact you become one with it and more able to maneuver though it.

Think back and remember the last time you were really “in tune” with something you wanted to accomplish. Remember how easy and enjoyable it was to put together all the pieces of the puzzle to create the final outcome? You were not anxious or the least bit concerned about what other people were thinking or doing. You were one with the energy of your creation. That same dynamic is possible in all aspects of your life. By becoming one with the magical energy of who you are, you create. You can also create your own limitations by putting up walls of fear and inadequacy. Embrace your power; consider what you create each and everyday. If you can put together the ingredients to make an apple pie, you can use the same recipe to create anything else you desire. Create a recipe that works for you. Be in harmony with the energy of what you want to bring into your life.  If you have made several attempts with no apparent success- try another way. Add or remove something from the recipe. Be in tune with the Universal force of magic.

Where is your energy at this moment? Are you focusing on life affirming activities or caught up with what someone else is doing or not doing? Is your energy directed on how to get someone else to change or do what you want him or her to do? What is the topic of most of your conversations? Think about the last conversation you had- were you sharing hopes, dreams and ideas or were you complaining about how things are not going the way you want them to? A large percentage of our words, thoughts and energy are given to what is going on around us. By understanding that you are a powerful, magical being- you regain the power that is wasted on things you cannot control. You cannot control another person’s emotions or actions. If someone is in your life and they are causing you distress- it is because of your choice to remain part of their life. If you are not happy with the situation you are in, it is your choice. You are not your past. You are not what someone did to you or what was taken from you. The events and people in your life have served to shape “who” you are at this moment. The events of today, will further hone who you are tomorrow- and so on…

To become a truly empowered being, you have to reach down into the magical place inside of you and utilize your own power. It is not important as to what your spiritual or theological beliefs are. What is important is that you understand the fact that you are a creator. What do you want to create? Peace, harmony and joy or chaos and drama? Are you always feeling angry and frustrated? Being angry or frustrated is only beneficial if it serves to steer you another direction. Conflict can be an incredible catalyst for change if you use the energy to move. Choose to take a different path or look at things from a different perspective. It does not matter how you do it, the important thing is that you get into a place that you want to be.

You are who you are and that is “magical”. Do not allow anything to diminish and cage your personal power. Allowing your inner self to grow and blossom is a process. Magic happens when you leap into mystery and become that which you desire to be. Like attracts like- to manifest magic, you must be magic. Just as you cannot adequately define the mystery of life, do not attempt to define “you”. Embrace the undiscovered parts of who you are. Set out on a course to reveal the mystery that dwells within you. If you must define yourself, you are magic.

Paula Picard is a Professional Psychic and Spiritual teacher who utilizes her intuition and 20 years of experience to assist you in co-creating the life you want. Paula believes that within you is the power to manifest your desires. To learn more about Paula Picard and her Powerful work www.paulapicard.com or you can contact her at pmpicard@charter.net

Paula Picard 314.308.2053

Living Profoundly

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Living Profoundly

When you realize that you really want to have an impact in this world, to make a difference, remember that it is in each moment that you are alive and in the present. When you are too busy worrying about what you don't have, what you have to do, where you've been, and what you don't have, you're not in the present; you're consumed by the past you can't change and the future that has yet to happen. There is no impact in either place.

The impact is here and now. Stop, check in, and connect in relationship with those around you. Be present, make the impact with those you see in your life today. Your future will unfold more powerfully and profoundly than you could ever imagine when you focus on the right things; relationships, people, love and community.

Being present will engage you in ways that will offer you greater insights into who you are; what others see in you; what gets you excited; and where you are going with your life. Giving time to others in the moment will enrich your experience of living as the energy of two create new possibilities. It's never about what you get; it's always about what you give! With greater awareness, that can only come through the being present, you will experience better decision-making and a much more profoundly lived life.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Hypnotherapy For Motivation – Getting The Drive Back!

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Hypnotherapy For Motivation – Getting The Drive Back!

Motivation is the key to positivity in our lives. If we were not motivated enough, we would just not have the will in us to go about our daily lives. Its motivation that helps us get through the most mundane things – motivation for working harder, motivation to have a healthy relationship, motivation to earn more, motivation to have a happy family. And yet sometimes we find ourselves lacking in motivation; I think we have all had days when getting out of bed to get ready to go to work seemed like a Herculean task. Sometimes lack of motivation can really bring people down, and hinder their efficiency and ability. This may lead to frustrations and further breakdown of communication between people. However, if you intercept this lack of motivation timely, you have help at hand. Go for hypnotherapy for motivation to get the zest in life back.

Hypnotherapy is intrinsically related to the concept of motivation, and can help you in every walk of life. From motivation in sports, to business; from quitting smoking to losing weight, hypnotherapy for motivation could help you out. But here’s the catch: you can think of successfully motivating yourself only once you have your goals identified. Identification of a goal is very necessary before you start motivating yourself. Motivation is all about helping you realize your true potential, sometimes this potential gets thwarted by certain experiences in our lives. Hypnotherapy for motivation works towards removing those mental blockages by connecting with your subconscious.

Hypnotherapy is based on the formula of auto suggestion, and it works on deeper levels than one can imagine. Hypnotherapy for motivation converses with your subconscious mind, and urges it to alter self-perception and self – image. Unknown to us, our subconscious is largely responsible for the way we think and react; if we train it to think on a different line, no doubt the accompanying behavior would change too. It understands the true potential that lies within us, and taps into it. Through gentle affirmations such as “I can do it”, it retrains your mind into believing that nothing is impossible.

In my practice at Oxfordshire, I have helped clients deal with a variety of issues through hypnotherapy for motivation. Some wanted to perform better at work, while others needed motivation to keep a relationship going. Some wanted to perform better at sports, while others at studies. The underlying theory of hypnotherapy is based on motivation, and we need it in every walk of life. However, we need to have our goals clear in our minds for the hypnotherapy to be successful. Hypnotherapy for motivation lets you focus on the particular task at hand, however if the task is undefined, hypnotherapy will be rendered ineffective.

Hypnotherapy for motivation can seem to be too simple a solution for these problems; however you will be surprised at their effectiveness. Once you started this journey of self discovery, you will see the changes in a short time. Through altering self-perception and self-image, hypnotherapy gives you a whole new view of the world. From being a procrastinating person, you can go on to become a self starter. So define your goals now, and dive into the vast sea of your subconscious mind through hypnotherapy. The pearls you will find there will take care of every situation and possibility in life. Happy Self Discovery!

The Power of Focus

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The Power of Focus

A few months ago my cousin bought a new car. As soon as this happened, I began to notice the car model seemingly everywhere I went. It wasn’t the case that everyone else suddenly bought one. I just noticed it more. It would have been strange if it didn’t happen all the time. You find yourself more aware of a certain object or issue after it has been brought to your initial attention. Then you notice similar objects over a period of time…perhaps for as long as the object is on your mind…like dreams perhaps. It’s the same with targets. Keep them at the forefront of your mind, and you will notice more things related to them.

There is a meta-physical side to this. Some people will tell you that you can bring the right situations or coincidences into your life simply by focusing on what you want. You might believe this or you might not. Even if you don’t, you have to admit that people who keep their goals on their minds are more alert. They see things that others miss. I have encountered it many times in the past. When I just started my first business back at University, my first priority was to get clients. It was difficult for me to do this. I didn’t know where to start from. I also had my studies on my mind at the time. So I tried to partition the time I had for both. My business partner was different. Though he was studying perhaps even harder than I was, he always managed to keep the business on his mind as well. So, he always came upon opportunities for clients or ideas, while I was lost. I didn’t even notice these opportunities as they passed by.

Sustaining focus indefinitely can be quite difficult. There is so much more in life fighting for our attention. So it helps if you can prioritise. Make this goal one of the most important things in your life, so it stays with you. It should be something that stimulates you. That way, it won’t be easily drowned out by the background noise. As you go about your activities, you can consider circumstances in the context of your goal. You will notice more opportunities. You will have more lucky breaks. You will increase your chances of success.

You would be surprised how much could be gained by throwing out a casual comment regarding your interest in a conversation in shop. Maybe the stranger you are talking to could turn out to be an investor. Maybe he will have some useful advice that could aid you on your path. You might see a billboard with a message that could trigger a new idea in your mind. All of this could happen; but the chances are dramatically increased by ensuring that your mind is focussed.

So if, for instance, your goal is financial independence (you and most other people!); keep it on your mind…and not in the fearful way most people do. Just be alert. Observe your environment and the people you meet everyday. When your chance comes, you will be able to see it and grab it.

It’s all about focus.

Motivation's Effect On Mental And Physical Health

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Motivation's Effect On Mental And Physical Health

Many studies have been done to research the effects of motivation and mental health. As the implications of helping those with negative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this is certainly an area of research that deserves a great deal of attention.

Psychology Online reports on a study investigating the differences between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL MOTIVATION. The report states that "Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such as money, fame and power, research has indicated those who are intrinsically-motivated by inner desires for creativity, fulfillment and inner satisfaction are psychologically healthier and happier."

How can this help you?

The study of health psychology seeks to understand how our ability to cope with stress can help us to prevent illness and promote health. Some of these coping mechanisms are naturally inborn but may be taught to those who lack them. Motivation is one of the tools that researchers are trying to use as a combatant of negative stress reactions.

Motivation is something that we use every day. It's what enables us to survive - to get food because we're hungry, to go to work to pay the bills or to educate ourselves in order to pursue a higher goal in life.

How we respond to life's demands can affect our overall health. How are you classified?

The same report on Psychology Online identified those who respond to life with negativity or anxiety as most likely to deal with the physical affects of anger, guilt, nervousness, frustration and fear. These emotions can cause hypertension and high blood pressure which can lead to heart attack or stroke. Other complications include ulcers, arthritis, asthma and kidney disease.

Some therapists suggest that by using positive self-talk and trying to restructure the WAY we look at events can offset the physical and mental effects of dealing with negative or stressful events in life.

Interestingly, people who tend to focus on themselves as the controller of their fate - in fact 'self-motivated' - are more likely to feel a sense of control when stressors affect them. Instead of blaming something or someone else they have the motivation to deal with a problem and look for a reasonable solution. This positive behavior helps them to achieve goals and find personal contentment.

Therapists try to teach patients how to emulate this positive reaction to stress and use their motivation as a source of empowerment. Learning to manage stress and using motivation to set goals, work through a problem or fix it can in turn promote better mental and physical health.